Birth Story #2: A Very Fast Hospital Birth
Originally posted July 20, 2012
Let's start with our last appointment with our midwife on Tuesday morning. She said that, based on Baby2's positioning, my labor would likely start with my water breaking and then be intense and quick.
Oh my goodness she was so freaking right.
It started early on Wednesday, July 18th. I woke up to go to the bathroom a little after 4:30 AM, which is very normal for me lately. I went back to bed and tried to fall asleep, but I couldn't (which had been normal for the last couple weeks).
Suddenly I heard The Pop. The Pop that I had read about in other birth stories. The Pop of my water breaking. I thought, nah, that probably wasn't it, but seconds later I felt a trickle of warm fluid. I ran to the bathroom to avoid soiling the sheets (and I totally made it down the hall and to the toilet without leaking! Score!). After I drained for a bit and made sure the fluid was clear, I went back to bed to rest before things got going.
My husband had just woken up a few minutes ago, but I didn't tell him my water had broken until I had the first contraction. I quickly had three contractions in less than 10 minutes. He could hear me breathing through them and asked if it was time to go. The clock said 5 AM and I realized things were happening fast. Time to pack up our son and get going.
I got dressed and went to the bathroom a couple more times. The contractions were already super intense and I had to vocalize through them. I knew I needed some food in me, so I went to scramble some eggs (it seemed totally right at the time!). Our son got ready with a quickness (luckily his bag was already packed and in the car!). He found me in the kitchen hunched over the counter, trying so hard not to scare him with my moaning, but probably failing.
I finished making my eggs and had to ask my husband for a to-go container. I was already so out-of-it I couldn't find the containers that I had reached for every morning to pack up my eggs for work. Yikes. I remember the next contraction dropped me to the floor and I pounded my fist and yelled out. Loud. I felt the sensation of pushing. And I didn't fight it, I pushed with each contraction from then on out.
My husband moved with lighting speed after that! We piled in the car and took off for our son's friend's family's house who, luckily, had answered the phone and had previously agreed to take our child and lives about a minute down the street from us. We are forever in their debt for responding so quickly and keeping our son safe and occupied!
We dropped him off fast and headed toward the hospital. It was about 5:45. My husband was so amazing. As I was somehow knelt on all fours in the third-row seat of our van (one leg on the bench seat, one leg on the floor, head toward the window grasping the seat belt and pulling on it with each contraction) he was driving us the six miles to the hospital. He asked if I wanted to stop at the hospital-affiliated clinic that is on the way. I told him to just keep going to the hospital (the clinic was probably closed anyway). The contractions still made me push, but they had slowed down. Because of that, I knew this was happening. Now.
We arrived at the hospital just before 6 - my husband got us there in 10 flat minutes which was amazing! He later told me he ran three red lights to do it, but I was so grateful that he did! As we pulled up a contraction was starting. I finished it and we walked in together from the loading zone, where he left the car. I had a contraction in the lobby that I was able to stand through, as he explained to the front desk that I was indeed in labor and needed to get to labor and delivery, STAT. They brought a wheelchair but there was no way I was sitting down! So they ushered us toward the elevator.
When we got to the L&D floor, I dropped to all fours again with another intense contraction while my husband ran to find a nurse. I finished my contraction, got up and started wandering down the hall. I heard my name called behind me and saw my husband and a nurse approaching with another wheelchair, which I refused again. The delivery room was right around the corner.
When we got in the delivery room I dropped my bag and literally crawled on to the bed. The nurse asked if she could check my cervix, but I told her she probably didn't need to. I could feel the head crowning.
She and the staff had no idea what was coming.
I/she pulled off my underwear; my skirt and shirt were still on. My face was buried in the pillow and my butt was up in the air for all to see. Another contraction, another push. The nurse suddenly knew what was happening.
A flurry of people entered the room. I heard a doctor introduce himself, who I believe I gave the thumbs up to. The midwife on call was rushing from another delivery. Another contraction, another push. More flurry of activity in the room. I heard my husband say that we were interested in the waterbirth option (how freaking sweet is he?!) and a nurse (and I?) respond that there wasn't time for that now!
Another contraction, and I knew this was it. I pushed hard and felt the ring of fire, so I backed off. How I was able to back off I don't know, but I really didn't want to tear!
Another contraction, and I pushed. I heard people tell me to push, but I didn't need any direction. I felt her head emerge, I pushed again, I felt her shoulders. She was born at 6:13 am, less than 20 minutes after we arrived at the hospital. The midwife arrived 10 minutes later, so apologetic, but honestly, all I needed was someone to catch and I didn't care who that was!
Oh my goodness she was so freaking right.
It started early on Wednesday, July 18th. I woke up to go to the bathroom a little after 4:30 AM, which is very normal for me lately. I went back to bed and tried to fall asleep, but I couldn't (which had been normal for the last couple weeks).
Suddenly I heard The Pop. The Pop that I had read about in other birth stories. The Pop of my water breaking. I thought, nah, that probably wasn't it, but seconds later I felt a trickle of warm fluid. I ran to the bathroom to avoid soiling the sheets (and I totally made it down the hall and to the toilet without leaking! Score!). After I drained for a bit and made sure the fluid was clear, I went back to bed to rest before things got going.
My husband had just woken up a few minutes ago, but I didn't tell him my water had broken until I had the first contraction. I quickly had three contractions in less than 10 minutes. He could hear me breathing through them and asked if it was time to go. The clock said 5 AM and I realized things were happening fast. Time to pack up our son and get going.
I got dressed and went to the bathroom a couple more times. The contractions were already super intense and I had to vocalize through them. I knew I needed some food in me, so I went to scramble some eggs (it seemed totally right at the time!). Our son got ready with a quickness (luckily his bag was already packed and in the car!). He found me in the kitchen hunched over the counter, trying so hard not to scare him with my moaning, but probably failing.
I finished making my eggs and had to ask my husband for a to-go container. I was already so out-of-it I couldn't find the containers that I had reached for every morning to pack up my eggs for work. Yikes. I remember the next contraction dropped me to the floor and I pounded my fist and yelled out. Loud. I felt the sensation of pushing. And I didn't fight it, I pushed with each contraction from then on out.
My husband moved with lighting speed after that! We piled in the car and took off for our son's friend's family's house who, luckily, had answered the phone and had previously agreed to take our child and lives about a minute down the street from us. We are forever in their debt for responding so quickly and keeping our son safe and occupied!
We dropped him off fast and headed toward the hospital. It was about 5:45. My husband was so amazing. As I was somehow knelt on all fours in the third-row seat of our van (one leg on the bench seat, one leg on the floor, head toward the window grasping the seat belt and pulling on it with each contraction) he was driving us the six miles to the hospital. He asked if I wanted to stop at the hospital-affiliated clinic that is on the way. I told him to just keep going to the hospital (the clinic was probably closed anyway). The contractions still made me push, but they had slowed down. Because of that, I knew this was happening. Now.
We arrived at the hospital just before 6 - my husband got us there in 10 flat minutes which was amazing! He later told me he ran three red lights to do it, but I was so grateful that he did! As we pulled up a contraction was starting. I finished it and we walked in together from the loading zone, where he left the car. I had a contraction in the lobby that I was able to stand through, as he explained to the front desk that I was indeed in labor and needed to get to labor and delivery, STAT. They brought a wheelchair but there was no way I was sitting down! So they ushered us toward the elevator.
When we got to the L&D floor, I dropped to all fours again with another intense contraction while my husband ran to find a nurse. I finished my contraction, got up and started wandering down the hall. I heard my name called behind me and saw my husband and a nurse approaching with another wheelchair, which I refused again. The delivery room was right around the corner.
When we got in the delivery room I dropped my bag and literally crawled on to the bed. The nurse asked if she could check my cervix, but I told her she probably didn't need to. I could feel the head crowning.
She and the staff had no idea what was coming.
I/she pulled off my underwear; my skirt and shirt were still on. My face was buried in the pillow and my butt was up in the air for all to see. Another contraction, another push. The nurse suddenly knew what was happening.
A flurry of people entered the room. I heard a doctor introduce himself, who I believe I gave the thumbs up to. The midwife on call was rushing from another delivery. Another contraction, another push. More flurry of activity in the room. I heard my husband say that we were interested in the waterbirth option (how freaking sweet is he?!) and a nurse (and I?) respond that there wasn't time for that now!
Another contraction, and I knew this was it. I pushed hard and felt the ring of fire, so I backed off. How I was able to back off I don't know, but I really didn't want to tear!
Another contraction, and I pushed. I heard people tell me to push, but I didn't need any direction. I felt her head emerge, I pushed again, I felt her shoulders. She was born at 6:13 am, less than 20 minutes after we arrived at the hospital. The midwife arrived 10 minutes later, so apologetic, but honestly, all I needed was someone to catch and I didn't care who that was!
I couldn't see her! I wanted to see but I couldn't figure out how to flip over from my all-fours position. A nurse said something about skin-to-skin and I quickly ripped off all my clothes (that stretchy Old Navy skirt came in handy! It went right over my head). My partner and a nurse helped me turn over and my daughter was placed on my chest. I looked at her, she was amazing. My partner and I both said that she looks exactly like her brother did when he was born. The spitting image - it's completely amazing! I looked at the clock and realized all that happened in about an hour and a half and my mouth fell open. Oh my goodness, what just happened?!
The next two hours in the delivery room were a blur. Our daughter was here and she looked amazing. She came out perfectly pink, she was alert, she was completely healthy. She started to nurse about an hour after she was born and she ate for a solid hour. When she was done the nurses took her stats and APGARs (6 pounds, 8.8 ounces, 19 inches and perfect scores) then we were packed up to recovery and met more incredible nurses.
In the end, my GBS positive status didn't matter at all. Of course I didn't get a drop of antibiotics, but our daughter didn't show any signs of infection whatsoever. She did so great on all her tests that we were released a mere 30 hours after we had arrived (GBS positive births usually require a stay of 48 hours).
In the end, my GBS positive status didn't matter at all. Of course I didn't get a drop of antibiotics, but our daughter didn't show any signs of infection whatsoever. She did so great on all her tests that we were released a mere 30 hours after we had arrived (GBS positive births usually require a stay of 48 hours).
Life could not be any more perfect. My partner is my knight in shining armor, our son is so excited and helpful, our dog is slowly taking in her smell and getting used to having a new little one to watch. Our family feels so perfect. We're all so very happy!